Hofstede Model Of Organisational Development

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In the current century of the business world, it is rather complicated due to the rapidly changes which force globalisation becoming vital of part of success business. Interaction between people from different cultures became more frequent, thus, causing more misunderstanding between members from the different culture. Organisational Development (OD) is a field of practice which support and allowed the organisation to adapt to the fast changes in the complex environment. It is also the key success factor which helps to shape and address to the change in management planning (Selectigence, 2011). OD started off with giving a clear objective by understanding the different culture and values of the organisation. By understanding and adopting…show more content…
It is a powerful force which changes our values in the particular society. Using the Hofstede model, it allows us to identify the cultural context of the business organisation and how countries or regions are being influenced by culture belief and affect OD intervention (Sanjana, 2012). In OD intervention of contextual differences between national cultures, Hofstede identified 4 unique dimensions which are Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism vs. Collectivism and Masculinity vs. Femininity (Sanjana, 2012). By examining this 4 dimension, managers will have norms which aid to determine the standard and differentiate conflict management…show more content…
Under Republicanism ruling system, their government elected representatives and established the set of law. However, they are protected under individual and property right. Ruling systems are more flexible whereby citizens have the freedom to express their opinion and the rights to access information (Parliament of Australia, 2004). This shaped the social culture which makes lesser Hierarchy level in the society. Adopting different types of ruling system will eventually shape the country culture by the influences of political intervention. In these dimensions, it helps to structure organisations and implicit the society’s preference on the kind of leadership styles in different countries (Goolaup & Ismayilov, 2011). Singapore scored a low 20 in Individualism (The Hofstede Centre, n.d.). This means that Singapore is more of a Collectivist society and focuses more on society as whole, compared to view highly on individual performance. By working together in an organisation helps to aim and achieve greater height. However, for Australia, they scored 90 (The Hofstede Centre, n.d.). This means that the culture in Australia is highly Individualist and tends to emphases on individual and their immediate family interest. They incline to “take care” of themselves and are

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