Education System In Japan Essay

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The basic schooling system in Japan includes elementary school lasting six years, middle school lasting three years, high school lasting three years, and university schooling lasting four years. Education is a mandatory law only for the nine years of elementary and middle school. Ninety eight percent of students however go on to high school. Students usually have to go on to take exams though in order to enter high schools and universities. Japanese elementary school classes are divided into small teams that do certain activities. An example would be a class cleaning a bathroom, halls, and yards. When it comes to lunch time, the school or a local "school lunch center” creates the meal and the kids of class serve it to their classmates.…show more content…
The results are as listed: The average proficiency scores of 16-65 year-olds in literacy and in numeracy (math) are both significantly above the average of participating countries. The younger adults (16-24) also did significantly better that other countries participating. 20.9% of the adult population (16-65 year-olds) report that they had no prior experience with computers or that they lacked very basic computer skills, while 35% of the adult population score at the highest levels in problem solving in technology-rich environments. 4.9% of Japans adults scored very poorly in literature, while 8.1% scored very poorly in numeracy. Japans natural resources include fish, agricultural land, and small supplies of minerals. It has mined all of its minerals and has a negligible mineral source today. It imports most of its minerals to keep up with its electronic industry. Because Japan doesn’t have natural energy resources, such as fossil fuels, it is the highest importer of coal and liquefied natural gas, along with being the second highest importer or oil. Iron ore, coke, copper, bauxite, and forest products must also be imported. Even though only 15% of Japan’s land is arable, it produces 60% of its own food. Japan has used it’s coastal waters to create energy and create the world's largest hydroelectric
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