Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Model

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Name: Kieran Cantwell Student number: C11485998 We can see clearly from this case study that there are many issues arising which the employee and employer need to deal with. For this case study critique I will discuss in depth cultural issues and employee performance. This employee has never worked outside of her home country for this multi national organization. She has not been briefed in any way about the country, which she would be working in. This is a major concern, which the employer needs to deal with before sending people over seas to work in subsidiaries. Ireland is very culturally different to North Africa (For the sake of this case study, I will use Egypt as an example of the country where she will be working in). The employee…show more content…
As her employer has not briefed her in any way about this countries culture I can see potential problems occurring. Their values and beliefs will be very different to her values and beliefs. As she may not be knowledgeable of Islamic culture, she may inadvertently dis-respect fellow employees, government officials or local people. Using Hofstedes cultural dimensions model, which is a framework for cross-cultural communication, we can distinguish differences in the values and culture between Ireland and Egypt. This model describes the effects of a countries culture on the values and behavior of its people. It contains six dimensions (Five of which I will discuss) of which he argues that it is possible to gain considerable insight into organizational behavior across cultures based on these values. The first dimension is ‘Power Distance’ which measures the extent to which less powerful members of society accept unequal distribution of power (Nardon & Steers, 2009). This dimension relates to how the society handles inequalities amongst its people. Ireland receives a relatively low score for this category, which indicates that its society believes that inequalities between its people should be kept to a minimum. Hierarchies are established yet superiors are always easily accessible. Managers rely on employees input and information is shared…show more content…
The opposite of this would be collectivism where group interests would generally take priority over individual interests (Nardon & Steers, 2009). Ireland scores a high score for this category. In relation to the business world, employees take initiative and they are expected to be self-reliant (IMIT International, 2012). They are empowered by their superiors. Egypt on the other hand receives a low score for this dimension and so is considered a collectivistic society. Employees in a society such as this take responsibility for all members of a group. Promotion decisions heavily based upon group performance. This employee, as she is from an individualistic society may be very independent. She may need to engage more in group settings as part of her role in Egypt. This has the potential to cause problems depending on the type of person the employee is and their skills and

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