Cultural Changes

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There are many cultural differences and habits such as religion, trade, environmental factors and consider that as a great possibility to be different and thus be a difference convene itself or influence and impact on the overall culture of the prevailing pattern in organizations. And thus be the result of emergency by the changes in the background of the culture year to work and there is a special pattern operating to undergo significant changes, and we have seen that there are changes and developments in terms of culture in the country. As there are developments of general cultural pattern and which is subject to many changes in the general conditions in the work, And the organizational structure of the business and the addition of structural…show more content…
Director is well versed with the prevailing strategy working and behaviors in terms of activity. And changes in the country in terms of the process is the sum of changes in cultural customs and traditions on all managers to understand the variability and change in the same aloft temporary leadership. And it is aware not know and was told that it cannot justify the role of the post in the new country and in terms of the Oslo and driving habits and practices are available also change in different countries. Working and working methodology will be different from one country to another and thus can be the way in which the will and the team that will be led by itself is dangerous so you must enter an issue of concern and it leads to the correct…show more content…
Culture represented as a set Faculty of beliefs and habits, which are directed to the people of the country to perform their activities, culture is something from the people and represents the people, when the development of culture be prudent to people in their own country and is considered the cultural diversity of people who live in their own domestic society and the private and customs and traditions, and because the diversity of cultures to the point of a variety of people in any country, but have qualities and common features among them are reticent them from one person to multiple sites in their own country, and they also have a very special influence on the cultural activities of any country, as well that the nature and effect is not high enough, but it has a significant impact on the overall structure and have a large period of time may not have short-term effects. Movement of people from one section to another section of the country. It is another matter seen from almost all aspects and the movement of people from one country to another for the purpose of education and also the researchers better opportunities for education and the pursuit of satisfaction, happiness and may develop in the private business world at a time like this day in culture for the multiplicity of nationalities. And there are increasingly developments what of multinational companies in all countries of the world, and with the advent of

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