Dasani Control Theory

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Introduction This assessment will examine Dasani’s life from the bifocal of spiritual, cultural, physical aspect of her environment. Also in this assessment, I will use the theories we have learned about to evaluate further how they apply to Dasani’s situation. Summary of Control Theory Control Theory teaches us that we as individual’s face issues when trying to control what goes on in our physical environment. This theory illustrates that we have some sense of ownership or power over what takes place in our surroundings. Four essential concepts when discussing control theory such as; Privacy, Personal Space, Territoriality, and Crowding. The mentioned concepts demonstrate that individuals experience different emotions and sense of power…show more content…
At school, she knows she is there to learn and obtain knowledge, and if she gets in trouble then that has a role in how her teachers will treat her. However, at home, she knows she has to look after and take care of her siblings as well as her parents, and that by misbehaving that signifies to the younger kids, they can misbehave as well. “She sees promise in Dasani, who landed on the honor roll last fall. But lately, she is skipping homework and arriving moody and tired, if she makes it to school at all”(Elliott, Part 2, 2013). This quote goes to show, that whenever Dasani behavior changes, it starts to take effect on how well she does in her other settings. Nevertheless, even when Dasani adjusts her behavior when she wants to fight, then Chanel deems it as appropriate and that whenever she does fights it helps to build her reputation. “Minutes later, Dasani emerges with Chanel, who heads to the projects ready to go. She will wait for Sunita’s mother all night if needed, and they can settle this themselves”(Elliott, Part 4,2013). Once again, here is another instance when Dasani adjusts her behavior to fight another girl, and Chanel being her mother instead of insisting Dasani change her behavior, Chanel changes her behavior and wants to fight as well. “Chanel cools down and decides to handle the matter at school. The next morning, the two mothers…show more content…
It also shows us that we go through our inspection of identifying what we value and belief. When discussing this theory, we can take from it that what we experience early on in life can later be the building blocks for developing our faith. Also, as individuals the better understanding, we have for each other’s values, and beliefs will help us to overcome the unfortunate events that happen in our lifetime. At the same time, by becoming aware of values and beliefs from other’s perspective, we can sense the personal attitude towards specific topics. With this theory, there are eight significant stages individuals can go through, and those are; Primal Faith, Intuitive/projective, Mythic/literal, Synthetic/conventional, Individuation/reflective, Conjunctive, Universalizing. The more we experience in life, the more our faith will begin to change because of not only what we have gone through but what valuable lessons we have learned from those
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