JC Penney

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CHANGE READINESS REVIEW DOCUMENT ABSTRACT Team D Consultants has been tasked with creating a change readiness review document for JC Penney, an organization in the retail industry that has identified the need to assess its readiness for change. The briefing document will use a future back approach to identify significant trends influencing the nature of the retail industry and potential response to the change. In addition, current power structures identified in the organization, structures necessary to implement change and characteristics of the company culture will be reviewed. Relevant literature will not only be used to identify the key components of leading and managing a strategic change competency framework but also to justify them. I…show more content…
In order to effect change, managers first need to have knowledge of business principles that can help them assess the organization. Kanter (2003) supports this with his first commandment that states that leaders should have the capacity to analyze the organization’s need for change. Such an assessment may include that of JC Penney’s operations, its functionality in the retail environment and how any proposed changes will impact the company. Assessing the organization will give the leader the best strategies to implement the change. Moreover, the leader should have the communication and interpersonal skills to unite the whole of JC Penney with a central vision. Kanter (2003) maintains that effective communication will go towards motivating shareholders to embrace a central vision. In addition, communication skills will also give the leader the capacity to create a sense of urgency in the event that the need for action is not understood. On the other hand, interpersonal skills can be a potent tool to overcome resistance. These skills go towards ensuring that Kanter’s (2003) 2nd, 3rd and 9th commandments are…show more content…
It involves the ability to develop their juniors to attain higher levels of excellence through coaching and advising. An open door policy may be employed. Also, they should have the ability to undertake a constructive performance evaluation involving assessments of past performance and agreement of future expectations. Workplace competencies Workplace competencies transcend all levels. Everyone should have the knowledge and skills that enable them to connect what is going on in the retail industry to what JC Penney sells and provides to clients. Moreover, everyone should exhibit interpersonal skills while maintaining the professionalism that is required at JC Penney. It is imperative that employees, especially those responsible for store operations, have the capacity to operate and troubleshoot the various technological assets available at JC Penney. Technical competencies It is about the basic technical skills that are required in the retail industry. These sub skills are more department specific as they include initiative and business knowledge to increase sales and revenue, business knowledge to build a customer base and customer loyalty, and knowledge of JC Penney and competing product

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