Cosmetology Career

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The five careers that I chose are Cosmetology, Pediatric, Interpreter, Accounting and Clinical Psychology. My top 2 careers that I want to study to be is Pediatrician and/or Cosmetologist. The other three careers I like but not as much as my top two careers. These careers that I chose have to do with helping people which is what I like to do is help people that need it. All these careers take more than 4 years of college, except for cosmetology takes less than 4 years. Cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatment such as hairstyling, skin care, cosmetics, manicure, pedicures etc. The requirement to become a cosmetologist is a high school diploma or GED, and enrollment in a cosmetology school. This usually takes from 8 months to 2 years of training. The best college to go to for cosmetology is the Regency Beauty Institute. Cosmetologists earn about $26,790 per year, or if you have your own beauty shop and have your own clients then you can make more money than that a year.…show more content…
The requirements to become a Pediatrician is 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school and 3 years of pediatric training, takes 8-11 years to finish and become a pediatrician. The best college to study for this is the University of Pennsylvania. Pediatricians get paid from $135,000-250,000. The benefit of this is that you get health insurance, life insurance of $50,000, and disability insurance free of

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