Construction Management Literature Review

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Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Planning and controlling in Construction Management Planning and controlling in construction projects are challenged by the rapid introduction of new and unknowns as they progress. One might say they are more akin to stacking worms than stacking bricks. Generally in a construction project there exists two types of environments namely static environment and dynamic environment. 2.1.1 Static Environment (Static-Fixed): A static environment consists of unchanging surroundings in which the agent navigates.  Work type: operational  Approach : Instruction Approach  Limitation: In the Static Environment, there could be too many unknowns at the start to be resolved by the deadline, so the rapid introduction of…show more content…
The term ‘attended dynamics’ is preferred as it assumes that an observed behavior is the direct result of active interventions that arise in the progress of project. Attended dynamics can affect a project’s objectives in either a positive or negative way. Positive affect influences would indicate that through policy intervention, progress had been made towards achieving a project’s objectives. Conversely, negative influences would indicate that progress toward project objectives had been hindered. Similarly, ‘unattended dynamics’ otherwise known as ‘unintended dynamics’, it places emphasis on factors beyond the control of project managers. Like attended dynamics, unattended dynamics can also have positive and negative influences. Uncertainties or unexpected events can significantly affect the operation of a project; such events either improving or hindering project performance. Both attended and unattended dynamics coexist throughout a project’s life cycle. Keep in mind that the literature review should provide the context for your research by looking at what work has already been done in your research area. It is not supposed to be just a summary of other people's work.(Love, Holt, Shen, Li, & Irani,…show more content…
These activities are dynamics designed to implement management objectives. The major attended dynamics of a project management system include: 1. Decision-making: decisions are the most important initial dynamics and result from a large number of specialists involved in the project process. Decision making is interrelated with project organization and structure, such that information, feedback, advice, etc., are received by the decision-maker from appropriate contributors (e.g. consultants, site manager, foremen, subcontractors, etc.), at the appropriate time(s). 2. Techniques and technology: these are the basic dynamics for implementing any system. They include the level of education/knowledge of staff, management skills, information techniques, and various facilities and machines within (and between) any organizations involved in a project. The techniques employed and ways of applying them are fundamental to achieving the organizations’ and client’s planned objectives, but May vary from company to
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