Causes Of Delays In Construction Projects

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Introduction The literature review is an important process of a research dissertation; it helps to develop a solid foundation for knowledge expansion on a particular subject. The subject of construction delays was widely discussed and analyzed by various researches in the past decades, however, delays in construction projects were still being reported although several research projects were conducted on the subject to address the issues, the continuous occurrence of the delays in construction projects bring the researchers to review the issues again, and to enhance the knowledge in the construction industry in the view of overcoming the issues related to construction delays. This chapter explores the results of the literature search related…show more content…
Construction delay is the different in time between the contractual completion date and the actual completion date in construction works. A huge amount of factors of delays may result in delays in construction projects, these factors of delays are arising from different parties and under various conditions, and in fact, these factors of delays are countless. Due to the difference in project environment, the causes and effects of delays on construction projects is vary from project to project, details will be discussed in the next section. To identify the factors of construction delays The literature review was carried out through reviewing published books, some e-journals on University of Birmingham e-learning facilities. In this section, all the key causes and factors of construction delays, which may encountered during a construction project will be summarized through a detailed literature review and those factors that we may experienced in practice will also be identified. All the factors of construction delays are grouped into four categories: 1) Factors related to the owner of the project 2) Factors related to the consultant of the project, if a consultant is hired for the…show more content…
Trauner and Theodore (2009) refers; all construction delays could be further classified as follow: 1) Compensable 2) Non – compensable Critical and Non – Critical Delays in Construction Projects Critical delays can be easily being differentiated, as all critical delays in a construction project would result in an extension of time, ultimately affecting the original project completion milestone, Callahan et al (1992). In case this critical delay is excusable, the contractor would generally ask and entitle for time extension. Change of materials during the project execution / implementation would be a good example of a critical delay. General speaking, when a delay occurred on a construction project activity, which lies on the critical path is critical delay, however, many delays occur in a construction project will not have any effect on the project completion. Project activity lies on the project critical path is classified as critical activity, Trauner and Theodore (2009). To determine whether the project activity is classified as critical activity, it depends on the following elements: 1) The project nature 2) The contractor’s project schedule 3) The constraints of the
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