Conflict In Seize The Day

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“Seize the day” is a novel written by Saul Bellow. It was first published in 1956. In a nutshell, the story is focused on a day in the life of Wilhelm Adler, also known as Tommy Wilhelm, and many other nicknames. Wilhelm is a man in his forties, father to two kids and a college drop-out; he has recently separated from his wife and got the sack from his job as a salesman. Tommy is in love with a woman named Olive who he cannot marry given the fact that his wife does not want to divorce him. The story is told throughout the main character’s thoughts and many flashbacks. The main character is unhappy and, at some point, in search of help. Before analyzing the ending, it would be a great idea to briefly go over it. It has a couple of different situations: Tommy’s kerfuffle with Dr. Adler, his father, the fact that he does not know where Dr. Tamkin is, his conversation with his “wife” and the funeral. Those situations will be explained and analyzed as this essay goes on. The first matter stated in the ending of this novel is Tommy’s conflict with this father. To sum things up, in this part of the story, Tommy has a bit of a dispute with his own father, Dr. Adler, in…show more content…
Wilhelm received a message from her saying that he had to give her an urgent phone call. Worried that something could have happened to his sons he calls Mrs. Wilhelm. He had sent her a cheque to be cashed in the future. To cut a long story short, they mostly argue about his not sending her the money she needs for the kids and his not knowing how to manage his finances. Moreover, after the said phone call, Wilhelm leaves the hotel in search of Dr. Tamkin. He believes to have seen him; he calls out his name but gets no response from “Dr. Tamkin”. As soon as this happens he is pushed by a crowd into a chapel were he meets face to face with a coffin from someone who is a complete stranger to him and ends up breaking down in
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