How Did The United States Move To Imperialism

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The feud that began in 1898 between the US and Spain was an on-going war by three years of battling by Cuban revolutionaries to gain independence from the Spanish colonies. The Violent act and conflict in Cuba got the attention of the American people because of the economic and political insecurity that it made a region with such a close geographical closeness to the United States. The U.S. interest in gerund the Western Hemisphere of European colonial powers and American outrage from the public over brutal Spanish acts created high sympathy for the Cuban revolutionaries. On April 11, 1898, President William McKinley asked Congress for permission to finally end the fighting in Cuba between the rebels and Spanish forces, and to institute, a firmly established government that would continue maintaining order and ensure the tranquility and peace of Cuban and U.S. citizens. On April 20, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution that recognized Cuban independence, urged that the Spanish government let go of the control of the island, renounce any intention on the part of the United States to seize Cuba, and give McKinley the power to use whatever military materials he considered necessary to assure Cuba’s independence.…show more content…
In general, this move that was shifted in policy was quite shocking, since the US, that was once a colony itself, had generally against the European colonial habit. Before the Spanish-American War, Congress passed the Teller Amendment law assuring that the US would leave Cuba to be independent. The conflict also disclosed the rising power of the media to control the public opinion in the US. Finally, the Spanish-American War leaked that industrialization in the late 19th century made the US very powerful. The Spanish-American War and all the colonies that were brought from the US marked the beginning of the modern phase of the US interrupting in world

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