Computer Animation Analysis

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Computer Animation is the use of computer programs to create characters and objects and allow these digitally designed characters to move and interact, this form of animation is primarily used in film for special effects and motions pictures films and shows, though as the technology grows, the uses for Computer Animation grows so does the possibility of uses this technique has. According to Besen (2008), Computer Animation is style of animation that uses traditional animating styles with the use of digital design programs, the two most common computer animation techniques are called 2D Digital animation and CG animation. The 2D digital technique involves a style commonly used in Hand-drawn animation, each motion of a hand-drawn animation…show more content…
CG animation allows for the user to create these models and allow motion within the same program (Besen). Besen explains that computer animation allows for traditional techniques in a modern way, though computer animation required the growth of technology according to Selby (2011). With the rise the digital shift or explosion, or the technological advancements made in the 80s through 2000s, many independent and professional animators have made the switch to computer modeling and animation programs. (Selby). According to Selby, most independent animators are on a tight budget, so using digital media to produce and distribute films for less than US$50,000 is favorable, since the technology has used for computer animation declined in price. “Independent animation was historically instrumental in the development and reception of digitally constructed and applied animated forms, importantly because it attracted, encompassed and celebrated visionary pioneers” (Selby, p. 2). According to Selby, films like Cibernetik 5.3 (1964), First Fig (1974), and Sunstone (1979) offered early…show more content…
Akpinar (2014) found that Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) using interactive computer animations on primary school students had positive feedback. Students who participated in the study to were able to retain the knowledge for longer periods, most results showing that this method of instruction was more effective than traditional learning (Akpinar). POE with interaction animation also showed to significantly improve correcting misconceptions and improving learning performance (Akpinar). According to Akpinar, Technology-enhanced learning environments and POE are collectively, learning is heightened. POE and Animation has significant improvement on retaining information and correcting misconceptions, however for some students the misunderstandings were not adjusted, and in certain cases new ones were formed (Akpinar). For few students the introduction of POE and computer animation created a barrier between the student and the learning tool (Akpinar). “Considering the fact that concept confusion and misconception are difficult to change, it is necessary to identify the existing misconceptions in the students before instruction, and using these animations aimed at eliminating these false beliefs” (Akpinar, p. 535) Akpinar claims that when students use animations and experiment with scenarios, technology-assisted learning could be beneficial since the student is required to be an active role when using this method of
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