Community Service Reflection

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Before taking Introduction to Community Services in Guam, my knowledge of services found on the island was very little. The known services I knew were the common ones such as the Salvation Army, Erica's House, and the Catholic Social Services. Even knowing these services, I did not know how they function or knew the inner-workings of these community services. Although I have participated in services through the means of extracurricular activities from high school, I did not know how these services worked. Through the various lectures, group discussions, assignments, and the many Ted Talks videos, I have better understood social work and community services, as well as gaining more knowledge of some of the services that are provided here on Guam. I enrolled in this class because an acquaintance informed me it was an easy class. I needed a class to…show more content…
Even though I have already known that skills obtained are better than the dependence of the government to continue to help you, I have fully understood and has emphasized this idea. As a person, I will continue to gain the necessary skills to help me through life rather than taking an opportunity to depend on the system. Although the future is obscure and I may have to acquire assistance, I know now that it should not be my only option. The goal of becoming self-sufficient is one I hope to achieve. When I look back to high school, I realized that I participated in many community services, but that participation was only through extra-curricular activities. Since I graduated, I have not participated in any community service. I hope to change that. There were many opportunities I had, but I was unable to take them. I plan to become more aware of my surroundings, keep updated on local and national news, and possibly join a service group. I learned that it’s my way to contribute to the community and be a modeled

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