Communicative Space Reflection

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Communicative space has been suggested to be effective in giving a voice to those who are silenced (Burns, Hyde, Killett, Poland, & Gray, 2012). Throughout this essay I will reflect upon and appraise my teams’ performance, implementing communicative space. I will explore my personal experience, and how theory relates to practice in the real world. The importance of critical reflection should not be overlooked. Critically reflecting upon ones’ own experience in the real world, in relation to psychological theories, elicits a crucial understanding of the relationship between theory and practice. Schön (1983) coined the term reflective practice and argued that the knowledge acquired through coursework, was limited in its impact because it did not take into consideration the reality of practice. Communicative space was conducted in a day centre for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Individuals attend this centre Monday to Friday, therefore it is a significant part of life thus their experience on a day to day basis is of upmost importance. The HSE flagged this…show more content…
Knowledge co-production is considered one of the key elements in developing new ways of forming and enacting social care policies (as cited in Burns, et al., 2012). According to Reed, Weiner and Cook, (2004) the potential for action grows in creating communicative spaces and more equal research relations. Throughout enactment it created a space where vulnerable or silenced people themselves gained some control over the production of knowledge about issues that directly affect them. Communicative space is directly focused toward achieving a mutual consensus on what is the best course of action to take for all. There is an important distinction to be made in terms of strategic action which is orientated towards getting something done (Wicks & Reason, 2009). Thus, the aim is to reach an organic

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