Essay On Community Service

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Introduction According to an international non-governmental organization research, there are eight million children that are orphaned but there are at least 90% of them are not exactly orphans. These are usually caused by their dysfunctional family background and unable to take care of them. Community services is the practice of altruism ( unselfishness ) within one's community. People become involved in community service for many reasons: for some, serving community is an altruistic act, for others it is a punishment.The aim of this community service itself is to make people realize that we should be thankful of what we have. As we are considered as lucky because we get to choose and get to be angry over not having luxury items and on the…show more content…
Those game allow all the children work together and achieve the success. Moreover, all the visitor will just donate things or food to them but not really talk or play with them. So we decide to join with them and communicate with them to know their feeling and thinking. It also train their talking ability. After that, we also get some sponsor to donate some money to buy food to them. Our team decide to buy Mc’Donald Happy Meals to them because they rarely eat fast food that cause a high price. Inside the happy meal also consist of some small toys for them to play with and to keep as memory for our visit. Lastly, we have run out a chatting session with them. We did ask out various queation to them and allow them to express themselves. The whole team was involve in this service to show them there are still many people care and love them. Practicing in altruism value Altruism is an ethical doctrine that holds that the moral value of an individual’s actions depend solely on the impact on other individuals, regardless of the consequences on the individual itself. It is often seen as a form of consequentialism, as it indicates that an action is ethically right if it brings good consequences to
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