Common Teaching Practices

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Research Title: Beliefs in Teaching Grammar and Common Classroom Practices in Schools in Malaysia By Elisha Nurusus Faculty of Educational Studies CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction The debate for the most suitable teaching approaches to teach English Language in Malaysian secondary schools’ classrooms is still much alive and endless, even decades after Malaysia’s formation in 1963. Over the years, schools in this country have gone through several radical changes because of the changes in education policies on the teaching of the English language (Musa, Lie, & Azman, 2012). Despite the efforts to improve English proficiency among Malaysian students, the standard of English is still considered to be on the decline (Lie,…show more content…
Different countries have their own set of issues and debates regarding their national education system. While some of the issues are not unique to a country, there are still differences in the foundation of the education for each country. This study will be able to provide findings from Malaysian teachers’ perspectives and the educational system’s context. Based on findings from this study of the beliefs and practices of teachers in teaching grammar, recommendations will be made to the improvement of pre-service and in-service teacher training programs, especially in terms of grammar teaching related courses, based on findings regarding the beliefs and practices of teachers in teaching. It can help contribute the developments of teachers’ professional growth in the teaching…show more content…
According to Abelson (1979), “Semantically, ‘belief’ as distinct from knowledge carries the connotation of disputability-the believer is aware that others may think differently (p. 356).” Haney, et al. (2003) defined belief as “one’s convictions, philosophy, tenets, or opinions about teaching and learning (p. 367).” Though the two definitions mentioned in the previous lines, seem straight forward, the nature and the features of the term “belief” do need further clarification. The debates pertaining to the use of the term “belief” can be confusing. Therefore, it is more helpful to probably pay attention to the features of the belief system itself. Pajares (1992) described the relationship between knowledge system and belief system as inextricably intertwined when proposing the idea of a beliefs system that is formed by an individual’s beliefs, attitudes, and

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