Three Types Of Psychoanalysis Therapy

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The Psychoanalysis therapy is a clinical method for treating psychopathology, which was founded by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), based on the characteristic of human behaviors from the ID, Ego and Super-Ego theory. Freudian psychoanalysis is predicated on the assumption that everyone has a conscious and an unconscious mind. Our unconscious mind is where we keep feelings and memories too painful to be address consciously, which causes us to develop psychological defenses to prevent these unconscious feelings from spilling over into the conscious mind. Psychoanalytic therapy forces patients to delve into these unconscious feelings through investigating the interaction of the elements in the conscious and unconscious of the mind, techniques like…show more content…
Someone that had gone through traumatic events might have no recollection of what happened. Their subconscious repressed the memories of the accident into their unconscious; however, this is not an act that was voluntary and even though memories of the events are repressed, it still influences later behavior. The concept of anxiety has 3 types, consisting, reality anxiety, neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety. Anxiety overall is a feeling of dread from repressed feelings, memories, desire and experience that emerge to the surface of awareness. The level of reality anxiety is the fear of dangers from the external world, proportionate to the degree of real threat. Neurotic and moral anxiety is evoked by the threats to the “balance of power” within the person. Neurotic anxiety is the fear of something getting out of hand and having to face the consequences, which one will be punished. People with well-developed conscious often feel guilty when they’ve done something out of their moral code. This causes them to be in the moral anxiety. According to Freud, humans by nature are basically deterministic. Our behavior is determined by, unconscious motivation and irrational forces and biological and instinctual drives. Freud originally refers sexual energy to the term libido and then later broadened it to include the energy of all the life instincts. The purpose…show more content…
Id, according to Freud, everyone is born fully id. Id represents the primary source of psychic energy and is the core of the instinct, the pleasure principle, which aim to discharge and reduce tension immediately. It lacks organization, and is demanding, insistent and blind. The objective of id is to avoid pain, gain pleasure and is illogical, amoral and driven to satisfy instinctual needs. That is why infants usually cries and make a scene until someone gives them the attention and needs they want. Whereas, ego, the reality principle, helps keep the id under control, like the “executive” that governs and regulate the personality and conscious, as the core of intelligences and rationality. It determines what is right from wrong by the standards of the external world of reality. Formulating plans of actions for satisfying needs in a realistic and logical method. Superego is the judicial branch of personality; it represents the traditional values, the society’s ideas as they are handed down from parents to the children and the person’s moral code. Instead of pleasure, the superego strives for perfection. It inhibits the id impulses and persuades the ego to substitute moralistic goals for realistic
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