Columbus Day Problems

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Columbus Day: A Mistake Why should this day be celebrated in the first place? Columbus Day should not be celebrated, but should be removed. Although it might be nice to have the day off of work or school, the meaning behind this holiday is completely immoral. Technically, Columbus did not even discover the Americas because the lands were already inhabited. Columbus was guilty of the genocide of many Native Americans, or “Indians”, as they were commonly known as during that time. Columbus also did not bring much additional knowledge to the Europeans when stumbling upon the Americas. These show how Columbus Day should be looked at with new eyes to see the flaws behind it. Columbus did not technically discover the Americas at all. Since the…show more content…
The American Heritage Dictionary defines ‘discover’ as ‘To be the first to find, learn of, or observe.’ How can anyone discover a place which tens of millions already know about? To assert that this can be done is to say that those inhabitants are not human.” (Dobbs) This shows how Columbus could not have possibly discovered the new land because the land was already inhabited and known of by tens of millions of people. Even if Columbus had made his was to his desired location of India, he still would not have discovered that either because India was also already inhabited, therefore it would be impossible for it to be discovered. It also shows that the Native Americans were definitely not treated as human by the European explorers, which is completely true. This also proves that Columbus wanted the land that he had “discovered” to be a land where there was no one inhabiting it except for the Europeans. “Stannard goes on to show that this 145 million figure is roughly equal to the estimated 1492 populations of Europe, Russia, and Africa put together. Clearly, the lands visited by Columbus could not be said to be empty by any stretch of the imagination.” (Dobbs) This also further proves the point that Columbus did not discover the new world because it was not empty, but filled with 145 million people who had already lived there. There were more people that inhabited these new lands than all of Russia, Europe, and…show more content…
He provided the Europeans with no new knowledge besides the fact that the lands to the west had already been inhabited by the Native Americans, or the Indians as Columbus had called them. Columbus committed genocide when he arrived in America because the Indians were not thought to be human and this is extremely immoral. Columbus did not even discover the new world because it was already inhabited by the people who were later murdered by Columbus and his men. Columbus Day should not be a day of celebration but one to be mourned for those who lost their lives to the explorer and thought to be for a man who does not deserve to be spoken of with so much honor and
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