Christopher Columbus Thesis

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Abstract As Christopher Columbus I would attempt to outline the various reasons as to why the Spanish monarchy should commit its resources towards funding a second expedition to the new world which Columbus maintained to his dying day was the Far East. I would outline not only the discoveries that I have made in the new world that would be of benefit to Spain but also point out what Spain stands to acquire by supporting a second journey in terms of material riches, conquered lands and native populations ripe for conversion to Christianity. “Imagine that you are Christopher Columbus and you have just returned to Spain from your first trip to the Americas. Write a letter to Queen Isabella outlining the reasons why she should finance your second…show more content…
I bring you not only felicitations by also wish to report to you and his royal majesty King Ferdinand about what lies beyond the vastness of the ocean to the west. On August 03, fourteen hundred and nighty two I set sail from Spain headed towards the Canary Islands with three ships the Santa María, the Pinta and the Niña fully outfitted and provisioned and placed under my command by your royal decree (Minster, 2015). At 2:00am on October 12, 1492 land was sighted and subsequent landfall was made upon an island that I have called San Salvador upon which indigenous peoples were discovered. Accompanied by captains Martin Alonzo Pinzon of the Pinta and Vincente Yañez Pinzon of the Niña along with Rodrigo Descoredo, Notary of the fleet as witnesses I your admiral, planted the royal banner and claimed the island and all there upon for King and Queen of Spain (,…show more content…
In all of our distress we came upon a group of native Taino people led by a chief which they call a cacique named Guacanagari who was in such sympathy with us. He granted us shelter and provided us with young strong men and canoes hollowed from the barks of trees that we may salvage all that we could from our lost vessel. We were given permission to build a small encampment named La Navidad from some of timbers we salvaged and I left 39 of my men in safe keeping there to await my return as they could not have been accommodated aboard the remaining two
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