Christopher Columbus World

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Christopher Columbus’s ‘world’ and our ‘world’ are very much alike yet different at the same time. I wouldn’t necessarily say that at this point Columbus lived in a completely immersed feudal ‘world’ because there were so many drastic changes that were happening such as new jobs emerging among merchants, religion was somewhat shifting, as well as other various changes but nonetheless they effected all of the classes. However, I wouldn’t say that he was living in a total modern world either, it was a mix accompanied by religious as well but they seemed to work well at the time. The first quote that I chose to analyze from his letter to the King and Queen of Spain says, “That there shall be a church, and parish priests or friars to administer…show more content…
Our ‘worlds’ are very much intertwined in the sense that if Columbus had never traveled to the places that he went to, then we would have never had the Columbian Exchange which gave us things like maize, livestock, potatoes, etc. I say traveled because there were already inhabitants in the places he traveled to, therefore, he didn’t discover the places. What’s sad is Columbus never stepped foot anywhere that’s considered American territory except Puerto Rico, which makes it strange as to why he’s a figure with such great importance to American history when he never came to America in the first place. It’s important for people in the modern ‘world’ to go out and discover new things, there are many ambitious explorers out there like Columbus who dedicate their life to finding new places and people. By exploring it helps our modern ‘world’ and helped his ‘world’ by showing us that there’s other places and people out there besides ourselves that have a lot to offer us whether it’s knowledge, supplies, experience, etc. His ‘world’ and intention was different then a lot of explorers today; for Columbus decided to sail the sea in 1492 with three boats named: The Santa Maria, La Nina, and La Pinta. He wanted to find a new route to the Far East, Japan, China and India so he could bring back an abundance of riches such as porcelain, spices, silk, etc. He went on an expedition to Hispaniola which turned out to be completely desolate of natural resources which left him returning with little to nothing. In comparison even today Haiti and the Dominican Republic are among the poorest nations of the
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