Colonies In America

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Did you know that the colonists of America weren’t the only ones who explored the new world? Colonies from England was one of the other countries that decided to settle into certain regions in the New World. There were different groups of colonies that came to Americas and each settled in different places with different reasons. The different colonies were the colony of New England, the Middle colony, and Southern Colonial Regions. They each came for specific reasons, like the settings of the area, resources found around the region, ways to grow crops and live, diversity, and to point out more specific names, the puritans that came for religious freedom. The First Colonists of England: New England was one of the colonies that explore the new…show more content…
Some of the Middle Colonies included New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. This region had rich soil that helped farmers grow crops, grain, and other livestock and crops. Because of their wealth in food, they often traded and sold food to other colonies. Among all of the different colonies, the Middle colonies had the most diversity. This was because the region's strong economy attracted people from other countries not just the ones from Great Britain, such as Ireland and Germany. They practiced different religions due to their mixture of believes. New York was one of the Middle Colonies biggest cities. This was because it was the main place to trade with all the harbors to import and export goods. Also, many people were merchants with many skills. Other people tried to become apprentices to learn their trade. Some of the other people became laborers. They could find an easy work such as helping load or unload ships or being lower class house servants. Boys could learn shoes or boat making while the girls could open a cloth shop or be a housewife. However, most parents in the Middle Colony believed that children should learn to run the family farm instead of going to college. An example of another country and its benefits is Pennsylvania. In this part, there were people called the Quakers. Like the puritans, they wanted and had religious freedoms. They had no priests or ministers…show more content…
This part of the region especially treasured cash crops, which was a certain crop that were sold and bought at a more expensive price than other plants. This attracted more of the rich men from Great Britain. They grew cash crops such as tobacco and rice on their fields. Plantations for cash crops needed more workers than an ordinary field. The landowners used to use indentured servants and put them at work on the harvest, but when slavery was introduced to them, they started using enslaved African to work on the plantations.The original settlers in South Carolina established a lucrative trade in provisions, deerskins, and Indian captives with the Caribbean islands. When the settlers came, they brought African slaves with them. Another reason why they settled into North America was because the Southern side they were in was a good place for agriculture and growing crops. The tidewater left minerals on the tideland, which made the soil easier to plant. Also, because the southern colonies were more in the farther south, it meant that the growing season was longer. The climate was more warm and moist which was perfect for growing cash crops unlike where the other colonies settled in to. Big rivers that were there was an excellent source of transportation and a good water source. Some of the rivers went for about 100 miles and ended at the fall line. Like the New England colonies,
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