Colonization In America

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Colonization of the Americas was the first step towards a great nation. North America colonization was sought out by English exploration. Developing the successful colonies of North and South came with many hardships. Before the initial permanent colony, settlers faced horrifying agony trying to establish colonies. Developing a flourishing colony was not easy. Settlers faced tragedies such as starvation, bitter weather, and diseases. When colonization in America took off, the Northern and Southern colonies were the first to be built. The first successful Southern colony was Jamestown, Virginia. While, the first successful Northern colony was Plymouth, Massachusetts. These colonies differed greatly. The differences included, but were not limited…show more content…
The first permanent colony was Jamestown, Virginia. The settler of this colony was John Smith. This was the first colony developed into what would be soon known as the Southern colonies. Jamestown colonists were motivated to settle in America because they wanted proceeds and adventure. Jamestown was partly successful due to the help of nearby Indians. The Indians showed the settlers how to farm, harvest, hunt, and fish. The settlers were able to do this kind of things due to their location. The southern part of America had very fertile soil and elongated rivers to cater to their new lifestyle influenced by the…show more content…
One of the biggest differences between North and South colonization was their influences to settle in America. The first Southern colonists arrived in America with the hopes of adventure and wealth. On the other hand, the first Northern colonists were trying to get away from the Protestant faith that was already established in Virginia and Maryland. Another vast difference between the colonization of the North and South colonies was the sources that were available. The South dominated when it came to sources. The Southern colonists had a temperate climate, rivers, wild game, and fertile soil. These sources were certainly utilized for the survival of the colonists. Conversely, the Northern colonists had a colder climate, infertile soil, ocean access, and a hilly geographic set up. So, the geographic location differed immensely. Each set of colonists had to adapt and learn how to support themselves by utilizing the sources they had. The Northern and Southern colonies also differed by economic systems. Development of colonies could not be stable without some type of economic system. However, the economic systems were different in the Northern and Southern colonies due mostly to climate differences. The Northern colonies were victorious and developing because of the manufacturing business that was established. The Northern colonies flourished economically by manufacturing and trading
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