Essay Assignment: The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down

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Anthropology 2237 History and Cultures of Southeast Asia The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Essay Questions Assignment Question No. 1 Answer: In this book, Anne Fadiman conveys to light the conflicts between a Hmong family's cultural beliefs, and that of the traditional western medical beliefs of the American doctors they come into contact with. The cultural obstructions between the two gatherings keep any positive result in the health care of the Hmong family's most youthful daughter, Lia. This sadly brings about a heartbreaking end to the young lady's life. Fadiman does not blame anybody for the disastrous occasions that happen; all things considered, there is nobody to blame. Each was just doing what they believed was best for the…show more content…
As indicated by my perspective; it is obvious that gulf in the middle of solution and custom owes its presence to the unfinished work of reason as well as to the vital riddle of human life, not by the way it works but rather in what it is about, from the breadth of geopolitical-authentic strengths down to a family grieving its most loved tyke. On this, science and prescription have little to nothing to say, and just now and again the fortitude to improve things. I believe that the disaster could have been maintained a strategic distance from with better diverse communication and willingness to trade off on both sides. Lia's doctors could have discovered a bicultural translator to instruct the family about the significance of medication, drawing in the help of group pioneers. They additionally could have procured an attendant to control Lia's medication at home, as opposed to putting her in child care. Had they listened to the Lees' clarification of Lia's sickness, they may have comprehended the family's worries and possessed the capacity to address them. Acknowledging their perspective may likewise have manufactured trust, so fundamental for compelling

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