Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Paper

409 Words2 Pages
1). Client co). Client comes to meet with the therapist today as a self referral, shared a friend recommended that he talk with someone about how he is feeling, changes in his life since he became wheelchair bound, the struggles to reengage in life and ongoing thoughts about how he will never have a fulfilled life. Client reports episodes of anger outburst, flashbacks of combat, migraines, night sweats, irregular sleeping patterns. Feelings of depression after medical injury that has left him wheelchair bound while deployed. Therapist and client proceed with introductions, discuss the types of services provided and legal limitations, and motivation for therapy. Based on the information that the client has provided in the assessment, therapist recommends a referral to a psychiatrist, to discuss the…show more content…
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), learning about PTSD, and Prolonged Exposure (PE) helping the client to reduce the distress, and a Psycho-education approach for the client, including a Veterans group to build support from others who have had similar experiences and life changing events, living life after trauma, and developing methods used to function with life on life’s term. Demographics- Client is a 31-year-old Caucasian disabled veteran, religious preference Christian, single living alone, dx with Major depression, and PTSD with no hx of family mental illness or substance use. Reports feelings of rage and depression after medical injury that has left him wheelchair bound while deployed, otherwise no other medical issues at this time. Red flags- Client shared symptoms have increased since returning from tour and thoughts of suicide. Risk assessment completed, at this time client has only had thoughts no intent or plan indicated. Client shared he has not received any help for the feelings, or “the loss of life as he knew

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