Sex Offender Research

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Introduction: When it comes to sexual offenses many people become uneasy about it because of how touchy and controversial the topic is. Sex offenders are a person who commits a crime that involves sexual acts that is unwanted and having sexual intercourse with a minor. Sex offenders typically groom and isolate their victims and instill them with fear in order to carry out their sex crime. It is critical to know what goes on in the mind of a sex offender because everyone is a victim to sexual crimes. There are different types of sex offenders and they are: male sex offenders, female sex offenders, and juvenile sex offenders. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the different kinds of sex offenders, prosecution procedure, and…show more content…
Females are also sex offenders although they only make up 2% of the adults sex offender population (Terry, 2013, p. 112). Most female sex offenders are often victims of abuse themselves. This includes sexual abuse and domestic abuse. In our textbook, it mentions the three typologies of female sex offenders: teacher/lover, male coerced, and predisposed (p. 113). One has to keep in mind that many female sex offenders do not see their act as something that is harmful. They see it as an actual relationship for example in the teacher/lover typology. Female sex offenders have a much lower rate in repeating their offense versus the males who are more prone to recidivism. In a scholarly journal, a meta-analysis reveals that roughly 1.5% of female sex offenders re-offend sexually (Wijkman, Bijleveld, & Hendriks,…show more content…
The most common form of treatment is the cognitive-behavioral treatment, which helps change deviant patterns of sexual behavior. Cognitive-behavioral treatment also helps the sex offender understand appropriate, prosocial sexual behavior, from general sex education to arousal reconditioning (Terry, 2013, p. 256). Cognitive-behavioral treatment is also known as the cornerstone therapy because it is a group therapy. Group treatment processes are effective in many areas of psychotherapy, and sex offender treatment is no exception. Peer confrontation may be helpful in making sex offenders admit their offenses and acknowledge responsibility for their offenses—two main goals of treatment (p. 259). Medical treatment includes injection of antiandrogens the purpose of this is to minimize the sex drive of the sex offender and subsequently their sexually offending behavior (p. 260). In a scholarly journal titled adolescents and young adult male sex offenders the article distinguishes between various risk factors that predict sexually abusive behavior and types of sex offenders, particularly recidivistic offenders. “It is imperative to focus on adolescents and young adults who sexually abuse because they represent a particularly important intervention point in preventing sexual abuse in comparison to older age groups and address the importance of differentiating

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