Family Therapy Case Study

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• Student Name: Arshi Parvez Dokadai • Student ID: ST10060799 • Course Name/Code: PSY401 Family Dynamics and Therapy • Assignment Question: Ali and Haadia were happily married for 3 years, but six months ago they faced horrible financial challenges. This crisis is making their marriage bitter. Now they have come to you for an advice. They are not looking for causes of trouble just quick solutions in a few sessions for them to resolve their issues. Which therapy would you choose and why? • Attempt Count: (1) Introduction: A marriage involves two individuals with different manner of functioning and coping in the face of calamity. Thus, whenever a family or a couple faces a problem, tragedy or even a drastic change, they experience problems…show more content…
The paper is divided into three parts: Analysis of the question, Selection and Course of Therapy and Conclusion. Analysis of the Situation: In the question stated we come to know that Ali and Haadia have been married happily therapy. For the course of three years of marriage, they have not shown any challengies in familial life. But the problems start when they are faced with financial crisis. This crisis has made the couple…show more content…
Course of Therapy: 1. Assessment: The clients require a quick solution, for that reason, we will keep the assessment to minimum (as in Solution Focused Therapy) and just get the bare idea of the problems. 2. Defining Goals: Solution Focused Therapy insists on defining clear goals of the client (Walter, 1992). Keeping this mind, we need to define the final goals of the therapy. The miracle question (de Shazer, 1982) can be used to define these goals. It can be framed as, “If you go back home today, and after our usual chores, you fall asleep. In that span of sleeping, if a miracle happens and all your problems are solved… Then how will your life be? What will be the first indication of the miracle?” Such questions will not only highlight the goals for the couple, but also the problems for which the solutions need to be

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