The Pros And Cons Of Instructional Technology

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Today most of the students are eager to learn using internet and using new devices. They do not prefer traditional learning systems as it is hard to remember the theories and other learning stuff. According to the principles of Joseph Lowman, It is better for college students to be active seeker than passive recipient of learning. Along with the progress of the information technology, E learning was introduced to class room to increase the effectiveness of students. So the students can actively participate in learning. E-learning is a learning via the Internet, network, or individual computer. E-learning can be done within class room or outside of the class room. It is used by learners and educators in institutions, homes, businesses, and any other locations. Integrating…show more content…
To evaluate the use of any teaching style, educators will often use Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy as a beginning point of planning. [1] Different technological instruments that can be used by teachers to enhance e-learning. These instruments make e-learning more interesting, attractive, interactive, meaningful and motivating for the students. These tools are more powerful because they can change and renewal traditional methods of learning. Internet, Skype, Twitter, YouTube, Blogs are some of the successful instruments that have changed the way of learning. The teacher can be use technology such as web based activities, virtual labs, multimedia activities and online testing. A good teacher always tries to motivate the every learner in his classroom by using different techniques and skills. All the technologies not suitable for using to teach students. The teacher’s responsible is look at a new technologies and try to fit it in the classroom.

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