Children In Child Labor

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Child labor is a contested issue and global phenomenon that affected mostly Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. According to International Labor Organization (ILO-IPEC) (1996-2016a), a United Nations agency, the number of children in labour globally has declined since 2000 from 246 million to 168 million children; and although declining, around 85 million are still working in hazardous environment. However, the Asia-Pacific region has the largest number of child workers in the world and represents about 18.8 per cent of 650 million 5-14 year-olds in the region. Out from the statistics, the majority population of children in global context are still trapped in child labor, thus the higher rates of evolving into an adult with poor prospects…show more content…
Although defined that children are between the ages of zero and eighteen years, the chronological age determination of a child is not universally accepted (White 2009, 11). This is so because the concept of a child is a socially constructed and a social phenomenon that varies across social groups, societies and historical periods (Robson 2004, Punch 2003, 1). According to the State of World’s Children report (UNICEF 2004), childhood is defined as “a time for children to be in school and at play, to grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family and… caring adult. (As such), childhood… is a precious time in which children should live free from fear, safe from violence and protected from (work) abuse and exploitation” (cited in Abebe and Bessell 2011, 767). The perception of this childhood is the ideal westernized childhood, however, children from other countries and cultures do not share the same idyllic perceptions of childhood. This is so as the definition of childhood pre-assume that the condition under children grow up into adulthood is universal (Robson 2004,…show more content…
This is to say that traditions and cultures in a society can play a role in the perception of the nature of childhood, the roles and responsibilities of children and whether a child is sent to school or into labour (ILO 2005, 4). In some cultures, children participation in work is essential as it is a way of maintaining subsistence economies and ensuring the continuity of a certain cultural skills (Abebe and Bessell 2011, 771). Often times, children also act as an extension of their family members who are unable to or constraints by traditions in involving in the labour market. Through working, children can also attain certain life skills that is not teach in schools (772). In some socio-cultural perspective, children participating in work is seen as an essential for their growth into a responsible adult. By being able to contribute to the family, children can feel proud and self-reliable, not only that but also empower them to have higher

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