Child Labor In The Late 1800s

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Brooke Reynolds Mr. Grosse Honors U.S. History Child Labor in the 1800s (rough draft) The rise of child labor began in the late 1700s, but it really started in the early 1800s. At the start of the Industrial Revolution families would send their kids to work so they could earn money to help them survive. Families began to move from the country to the city to get better jobs. Child labor began to spread all across the U.S. in a matter of years. During this time people worried about the children's health and education, but no one took action against this until the late 1800s. Children worked many jobs to support their families. The most popular were in factories and mines, which were areas with the most accidents. Some others would work as: cotton…show more content…
The reason people hired these kids is because they were easier to manage and could be paid less than adults. By 1900 18% of american workers were under 16 years old. the children were paid half of what the adults got. Factory owners loved child labor and always said that it was good for the economy, and parents had to agree with this so they wouldn't lose money. Very few people denied that child labor was wrong because the families needed money, and the owners wanted money. People believed that child labor was the result of poverty stricken families. The thought of this came from the families that they saw who were poor and wouldn't survive without sending their kids to work. Families would move from the country to the city, and because of this they went from hard work of farming to terrible work in…show more content…
An activist for helping end child labor was Jane Addams, who created the Hull House. Activists created the Children's Bureau in 1912. Because of these activists the government monitored the factories more. many people compared the child labor like slavery.Many held testimonies in court to change the laws of child labor. The labor organizers tried to ban child labor but it did not stop until the market crashed. Also during the great depression adults wanted to work instead of the kids because they got paid more and also needed jobs. New laws in 1835 helped change child labor laws. Having child labor laws and making new laws would enforce a minimum working age, they'd also prohibit dangerous jobs and conditions. Establishing max working hours and ages was not popular among the factory owners.It took many years and activists to convince congress to pass these laws. The Factory Act of 1835 helped change the hours: kids 9-13 worked 18 hours, 14-18 worked 12+hours and anyone under 9 was not aloud to work. This act also helped the kids get education because it required 2 hours of

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