Child Labor In Haiti

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From the beginning of recorded history, mankind has struggled to decide who should perform what work within a community. From an entire family working together in olden times, to a modern society in which a father goes to work in a corporation, the question has many different answers. Child Labor is when children are used in industry or business. Some people believe that Child Labor is a positive practice because it leads to greater family income, but in reality, the practice is not beneficial. The practice of Child Labor in Haiti has a decidedly negative impact because it leads to health risks, causes increased fear in children, and results in a lack of education. Most importantly, the practice of Child Labor in Haiti has a negative impact…show more content…
For instance, most restaveks work as unpaid servants in the homes of relatives or acquaintances. They often suffer verbal, physical, and sexual abuse (“Child Labour in Haiti”). When young children experience many different forms of pain such as these, they will often suffer from the fear of these memories for the rest of their lives. Likewise, they work in inhuman conditions, suffering violence and abuse by their hosts, only for a plate of food (“Haiti Government”). As a result of these terrible conditions, the child workers will be very frightened of the area surrounding them, knowing about all of the awful actions that are occurring around them. Equally, they are hidden from public view and labor inspection. The children are consequently at risk not only of exploitation but also of abuse and violence (“Domestic Child Labor”). This shows that the children are forced to live in the fear of being abused because they know that it is completely put of their control, and there is nothing to do to stop it. All in all, Child Labor in Haiti is a negative practice because the children that are forced to participate live in great horror from the

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