Why Is Child Labor Important In The 1800s

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Part 1: In the early 1800's, motor-powered machines replaced manual labor for the making of products. Factories became very popular and began to spring up everywhere in the United States. Factory owners found a new and cheaper source of labor to manage their machines, children. Operating the machines did not require a lot of skills or strength. Alongside their parents, children often worked in factories or industries to help with the income for the family. Because of this they would have to give up an education. Small children were usually hired in factories, so if a machine broke and needed repair the children could squeeze in small spaces and fix them. However this would cause many accidents and/or even deaths. Children would sometimes work up to 12-19 hours each day with no or minimal breaks. Also these children were paid a fraction of what the adults earned or were not paid at all. This continued until the Factory Act of 1833, which would improve conditions for children working in factories and give limits to the age of workers and how many hours each child would work. Children were hired more often than adults because they were easier to manage, cheaper and they were less likely to go on strike or protest about pay or working conditions. In 1900, out of all…show more content…
As a part of the progressive reform movement of this period laws restricting child labor were passed. Many years passed before child labor laws in the US became stricter. By 1899, 28 states had passed laws regulating child labor. In 1918 and 1922 the U.S congress passed two laws however the Supreme Court declared both unconstitutional. In 1924, Congress presented an amendment prohibiting child labor, however the states did not approve. Then in 1938, Congress enacted the Fair Labor Standards Act. This act ensured that when adolescents work, the work is safe and will not affect their health or

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