The Importance Of Child Labor

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When and where did the phenomenon of child labor start? Why is it so significant? Child labor is the process of making kids work to benefit the corporations for a very decent wage or even no wage in some cases. It all began in the United States at the end of the 20th century, which was the time the industrial revolution started. According to Berg (2014) in our time now “there are over 168 million children worldwide trapped in child labor, accounting for almost 11 percent of the overall child population:100 million boys and 68 million girls” (para. 4). Such enormous numbers definitely indicate how critical this case is, and why lots of people around the world are working hard to end such actions. Many people think that child labor is not a serious…show more content…
According to Hindman (2002) an Associate Professor in Labor & Human Resources. He stated that “Parents, however, were not always in the colony because, to overcome a chronic labor shortage, the colony had accepted orphans sent as migrants by the English Society for the Encouragement of Juvenile Emigration and boys sent out from the Parkhurst prison, all of whom were apprenticed under the new ordinance” (p. 949). This quote shows how child labor could be very useful especially during crisis. In This quote Hindman explained how labor shortage affected the society and how they were able to use child labor to help the English society overcome that chronic labor shortage. It is true that sometimes child labor could help overcome obstacles which are work-related, yet it has been proven that labor shortage is fake and children are taken to work for other reasons. To illustrate, according to a study done by Kak (2004) a social scientist. He found out that “the demand for children in the labor market occurs not because of labor shortages but because of the characteristics of the labor market which is segmented by caste, gender, and class divisions” (para. 16). In this study the scientists proved that children who work are not working to solve the labor shortage problem, instead children are working because of their gender and class. Therefore the example provided shows how children and people are tricked to think that child labor is good and is found to solve problems such as labor

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