Healthcare Professionals: My Future Role As A Health Professional

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As a future health professional, it is important for me to think about my experiences with health professionals as this enables me to decide how I would like to be treated by a health professional and to treat my patients in this manner. In this essay I will be using the IHP model and an example of a past experience with a health professional to decide how I will treat my patients in the future. The IHP (Integrated health professional) model takes three important dimensions that every health professional should have and displays them as inter-linking to form a whole health professional. The three dimensions are knowledge, empathy and reflection. When these dimensions are used in unity, a health professional can effectively treat a patient. The knowledge dimension is about knowing the necessary information to perform your job and being able to apply this knowledge so that you can develop your skills and become even more competent as your field…show more content…
In my future role as a health professional I will try my best to make my patient as comfortable as possible just like my physiotherapist made an effort to ensure I was comfortable. I will aim to fully understand what is wrong and what should be done so that I can work efficiently. In doing so I hope my patients will feel that I understand what is wrong with them and what they are feeling as they are the only ones who can express what is wrong with them. I will also explain everything I am doing as I work so that my patient can understand what is happening and feel less vulnerable. In my future career as a health professional I will aim to be empathetic and listen attentively to clients. I will also aim to treat my patients with dignity and do my best to make them feel comfortable in their current

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