Cause-Related Marketing Case Study

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In Dog-eat-Dog competition world, companies are making the sense of growth, market capturing & increase awareness about their products a challenging task for their management. To capture the market and profit maximization companies are going to be social for selling their products. Majorities of companies under public and private sectors in India have been successfully practicing (Corporate social responsibilities) CSR methodologies since last decades and providing support to the social needs, like child labor, child education, energy efficiency, water pollution, women empowerment, customer awareness, child welfare, health, hygiene, environmental issue like global warming, wildlife conservation, family bonding, patriotism etc. Cause Related…show more content…
Adkins (1999) defined cause -related marketing is a win: win: win scenario where the charity or cause and business win and indeed where the benefits also extend to consumers and other stakeholders. CRM is defined as an effective marketing tool for sustainable growth of the society and company. (Bajdor, P., & Brzezinski, S, 2013). It is found that organization may not be able to overcome negative consumer attitude by simply forming a CRM alliance, for this it needs a good attitude towards the firms, it makes little difference whether the charity has positive or negative consumer attitudes (Basil & Paul, 2006). Varadarajan & Menon, (1988) found that CRM creates a positive effect on corporate image and companies utilizing this as a marketing tool to increase the sales Volume. Sisodia, Maheshkar & Vyas, (2013) observe that CRM is responsible for the sales of product, brand image & described many benefits from this to the firms like it can attract the customer, create positive brand image, it can raise the fund for the social cause (Kotler & Lee, 2005). Kar & Dadhichi, (2011) have concluded in their research that there are so many advantages in CRM campaigns especially in social cause. 4. Research objective- 1. To understand the concept of cause-related marketing with…show more content…
Tata salt is a product of Tata brand salt, it is India’s first branded salt. The story of this Indian Brand is interesting because the brand came as bye product. TATA chemicals have their largest integrated chemical plant in Mithapur. The soda ash plant needed fresh water for their boilers for supplying water to their boilers, the company started purifying sea water & it created high quality salt as a byproduct in the process. This coincided with the government campaign with the support of UNICEF for promoting iodized salt since iodine deficiency was a serious issue haunting the children’s health. The market for packaged iodized salt in India is estimated to be worth Rs. 21.7 billion, with Tata Salt commanding a sales share of Rs 3.74 billion or 17.3% of the market. This environment gave birth to one of the super brands in the Indian Market. TATA SALT campaign as in it directly emphasize that TATA NAMAK- DESH KO ARPAN, DESH KA NAMAK with the effective cause of diagnosed problem, as 10 paisa for every kg of TATA salt, spent for the undernourished child, child education program in partnership of CRY (child Relief & You). By these campaigns TATA boost its sales, spread awareness about social cause and building brand

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