Types Of Rebranding

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What is rebranding Nowadays, many organization uses rebranding as one of their method to transform the image of a product or an organization as it is seen to be the fastest and effective ways. Rebranding is used when a company is attempting to redefine and change the consumer’s perception of the corporation. In an attempt to start new beginnings, some companies change their name and logo while others choose to change specific aspects of their brand such as the target audiences, new campaigns, and a newly defined image of an organization. Rebranding has been sometimes referred to as the repositioning, revitalizing, or rejuvenating of a brand and in some cases as even having a brand being totally “reborn” or “renewed”. Rebranding is not only…show more content…
There may be five types of rebranding: a new name and logo, a new name, a new logo and slogan, a new logo only, and a new slogan only (Stuart and Muzellec, 2004). Another study by Daly and Moloney (2004) categorized rebranding into three main categories: minor changes, intermediate changes, and complete change. Minor changes are about aesthetics, and vary from a simple facelift to restyling or revitalizing the brand which may require a change. Intermediate changes are about repositioning. The use of strategic marketing tactics and customer service techniques to positively reposition an existing brand name to create new image. Finally a complete change involves complete “makeover” by creating a new name and brand and all the necessary marketing communications involved to make all stakeholders aware of this change. Therefore, the values and image of the new brand should be communicated to all stakeholders by means of an integrated marketing communications campaign (Muzellec,…show more content…
33). The main drivers for rebranding are decisions, events or processes causing a change in company's structure, strategy or performance of sufficient magnitude to suggest the need for a fundamental redefinition of its identity. They provided four general drivers of rebranding: a change in ownership structure, a change in corporate strategy, a change in competitive position, and a change in the external environment. They also mentioned that the change in ownership structure “appears to be the most frequent cause of rebranding as well as the most compelling reason for it” (p. 34) with mergers and acquisitions at the

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