Green Marketing Literature Review

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Review Of Literature: Various authors have put forwarded a rich literature on green marketing. The review of literature indicates that the various authors have highlighted the Green Marketing and its related problems, strategies and challenges from local to world level. In this context, Jacquelyn Atunities for innovation for green marketing, which provides an enlightening look at the importance for the environmental perceptions. Amitabha Ghosh (2008) has examined the strategies in Green Marketing highlighting the history, growth and challenges of Green Marketing in India and abroad. He also mentions some of innovative techniques of regulation on corporate environmental planning at various levels. Suresh K (2006) has discussed the conceptual…show more content…
Narayan Lakhmi Vermuri (2008) has discussed multifaceted views on ‘Green Marketing’ its new hopes and challenges in the current scenario. The authors have tried to establish the ‘cause-effect relationships’ of ‘Green Marketing’ at a global level. The authors examine the ‘Marketing mix’ of ‘Green Marketing’ too. Commenting the ‘Green Marketing’ the authors have highlighted the reasons of venturing the ‘Green Marketing’ the reasons are opportunity, social responsibility, government pressure and competitive pressure. Asceem Prakash (2002) has tried to co-relate the phenomenon of ‘Green –Marketing’ with public policy and managerial strategy to get some of desired results of ‘Ecological Viability’ at the ‘Cost Effective’ rates of ‘ecofriendly’ products. He discusses the ‘Green Marketing’ as ‘Supreme Greening Products’ as well as ‘Greening Firms’ In addition to manipulating the 4P’s (Product, Price, Place And Promotion) of the traditional marketing mix, it requires a careful understanding of public policy processes. Sanjay K. Jain & Gurmeet Kaur (2004) in their study environmentalism has fast emerged as a worldwide phenomenon. Business firms too have risen to the occasion and have started responding to environmental challenges by practicing…show more content…
Green product provides the same profit and performance as a non-green product and environment friendly, which increase values in the mind of customers to enhance its sale. Customer retention is defined as the future propensity of a customer to stay with the service provider (Ranaweera and Prabhu, 2003). This study will follow the literature of Cronin et al. (2000, p.204) who treat “behavioral intentions” and “customer retention” as synonymous constructs. In the past, the key to understand the power of a corporation to retain customers was thought to lie in the measurement of customer satisfaction. However, customer satisfaction is not the only required factor to retain customer with the firms and cannot ensure customer support for long time (Jones and Sasser, 1995). Service providers, in some cases, may not be able to retain their satisfied customers (Heskett et al., 1994; Schneider and Bowen, 1999) because the customer satisfaction itself alone cannot ensure long-term commitment of the customer to any service provider. Instead, the service providers should think to the other factors beyond customer satisfaction, such as customer trust, to retain their customers

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