Essay On Discourse Analysis

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The research work basically is a qualitative study, using the techniques of descriptive content analysis with semiology, to make inferences about the studied universe. Content analysis is typically called quantitative as it involves counting and summing phenomena, to even support studies of more qualitative nature. Krippendorff calls it primarily as a symbolic method as it is used to investigate symbolic material, conducting much interpretative works, relying on a good knowledge of the texts under examination. This method of textual analysis is frequently combined with other methods in qualitative research. Here, a combination of semiotic analysis, syntagmatic as well as paradigmatic analysis of these film texts is used considering them as…show more content…
The film narrative is considered as a sort of discourse, - nuggets of essential wisdom, which are plural, historically specific and can be realized in different genres and different modes or combinations of modes which can be interpreted in very different ways, depending on the text. Discourse, if cannot produced without context and cannot be understood without taking the context into consideration (Van Dijk, 2008). Here the appreciation occurs under the lens of feelings, beliefs, clues and knowledge. While narrative analysis takes the entire text focusing on the structure of the story or narrative, Discourse Analysis employed here is a problem - oriented interdisciplinary research movement subsuming a variety of approaches which all unites for their shared interest in the semiotic dimensions of power, injustice, abuse and political- cultural change in society. This analysis of a complex filmy discourse thus stays close to semiotic analysis delineating the underlying paradigms that holds familiar with the director’s works. It thus turns into a paradigmatic analysis, which even can give answer to the absence of certain shots in the auteur’s films and even the connection with other movies of TV Chandran and other film makers of his genre, also unearthing the ideology and systems of belief implicit in the
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