Catalase Lab

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In this lab we had four different parts each testing different things. In each part of the lab we tested different things about catalase. We studied the enzyme found in many cells from many living things. The catalase speeds up reactions and breaks down hydrogen periodic into harmless substances. Though every test done we estimated what we thought the rate of reaction was from (1-5) based on what we observed. Part A, the first part to the lab, we tested three different things. The reaction of normal liver and 2ml of 3% hydrogen. It reacted at a rate of 4. Felling the testable after the reaction the tube had gotten slightly warmer indicating an endothermic reaction had occurred. IN this part we also tested if catalase is reusable. We…show more content…
We tested Potato (1), chicken (3), and an apple (1). Coming to the conclusion that chicken and potatoes contain catalase and that some substances contain different amounts of catalase than others. We came to this by observing observing the reactions and how some don't react at all, some early at all and others react greatly. Part C, the third part, we tested what the effect of temperature had on catalase and the way they react. First we tested what boiling water does to catalase and found that by boiling catalase the catalase was destroyed and no longer reacted. Next we test how cooling and warming would effect catalase and found that the best temperature for catalase was a cooler one. That it reacts to the cold very well. We decided that it did not react well 100C because to many to all of the the catalase where destroyed. Cooler reacted at a rate of 5 while warm and boiled where a 1. Part D, the final step in this lab. We tested the effects of pH on catalase. We tested basic (4), neutral (3), and acidic (2). We found that a higher pH is best for catalase to react. With a higher pH the reaction was much quicker and greater, while a lower pH doesn't react as well or

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