Catalase Lab

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The purpose of this experiment was to find out at which level of pH the enzyme catalase would produce the highest amount of oxygen while it was breaking down the hydrogen peroxide. The hypothesis which was formed by the experimenter states that if the pH of cow liver is lowered by different amounts of hydrochloric acids, varying from 0 drops, 5 drops, 10 drops, 15 drops, and 20 drops, then the amount of oxygen that is produced from the catalase enzyme suspension would be the greatest when the pH of the cow liver is at its highest, when 20 drops of hydrochloric acid is added to the hydrogen peroxide and cow liver. The reason behind this hypothesis was that because hydrochloric acid is already an acidic solution, by adding the solution to the…show more content…
One such complication would be the state of the hydrogen peroxide. While the experimenter was conducting the experiment, in 3 of the 25 trials that were conducted, there was no reaction when the catalase enzyme suspension came into contact the hydrogen peroxide and the other solutions. The issue was later to be found in the state of the hydrogen peroxide that was being used, as some of the bottles of hydrogen peroxide that were being used to supply the experimenter with the required amount of hydrogen peroxide for the experiment were too old, thus resulting in the wrong level of pH that was required in the Hydrogen Peroxide. In order to resolve this issue, the experimenter simply switched the bottle of hydrogen peroxide which was being used, to a newer bottle of hydrogen peroxide that had been recently purchased, thus providing with the experimenter with the proper amount of hydrogen peroxide, with the right amount of pH. Another flaw in the experiment was how the gas sensor was sealed on to the collection chamber, which is filled with the catalase enzyme suspension, water, hydrogen peroxide, and its own respective amount of hydrochloric acid. If the sensor was not connected and sealed properly, instead of seeing an increase in the amount of oxygen that was produced through the chemical reaction that was created by the enzyme catalase and the hydrogen peroxide, the data that was being collected would see a DECREASE in the amount of oxygen that was being produced. As a result, the trial had to be conducted again in order for it to be validated, thus requiring more time to mix the appropriate amount of catalase enzyme suspension, water, hydrochloric acid, and catalase enzyme suspension. Both of these issues can be found in the trial in which 15 drops of hydrochloric acid was added to the solutions and catalase enzyme suspension, as the

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