Catalase Enzyme Lab Report

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Victoria Phan 23 September 2014 Biology 101 Lab, Section 035 Dr. Elina Levina; TA: Eilea Knotts Catalase Enzyme Activity Abstract The human body utilizes catalase enzymes to break down hydrogen peroxide (Gaetani et al, 1994). This catalase enzyme system is important because it gets rids of toxins in hydrogen peroxide the body does not need and at a moderate rate (Kampshmidt, 1965). In this experiment, two hypotheses were tested to show how differences in substrate, or H2O2 concentration and differences in catalase, or phosphate buffer, and substrate temperature, affected the rate in which molecular oxygen is produced in milliliters per one minute. The first hypothesis formed stated that increased H2O2 concentration would increase the reaction rate in which O2 was produced. The…show more content…
In the control group, 10 ml of phosphate buffer was used in place of a catalase and 10 ml of 0.8% of H2O2 was the substrate; each was measured with separate 10 ml graduated cylinders and disposable pipets and poured into a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask and then closed with a rubber stopper tubing with a u-shaped glass tube. The end of the u-shaped glass tube was inserted into the graduated cylinder and a stopwatch was used to measure how long it took for 10 ml of O2 to fill up. This experiment was repeated with phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 and H2O2 substrate concentrations of 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.8% to measure effect of catalase reaction with different substrate concentrations. When changing substrate concentrations, different pipets were used and the Erlenmeyer flask was rinsed out each time. The experiment was also repeated with boiled (100˚), room temperature (25˚C), warm water bath (40˚C), and iced (0˚C) catalase and boiled (100˚), room temperature (25˚C), warm water bath (40˚C), and iced (0˚C) 0.8%

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