Career In Computer Science

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“If what we are now, has been the result of out past actions, then it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions.” -Swamy Vivekananda I am very thankful for providing me this opportunity and it is with sincere sense of gratification that I pen my brief statement of purpose. Striving for betterment and improvement has been my motto in all aspects of life, and the same applies even to my professional and academic career. Having proved myself in Bachelor’s program in Electronics and comunication, at Siddhartha instituite of engineering and technology,puttur district as a successful professional career, I look forward to further improve my knowledge and skills in computer Technology and allied…show more content…
Computer, the invention of the century, is changing the way we think, work and live. It is surprising to see how this man made object has the power to outwit man himself. The ease with which a computer performs complex tasks which otherwise would take a lot of manpower is fascinating. This is going to become the most influential tool of this and the forthcoming centuries. I regard myself fortunate to have the opportunity for advanced studies in this field of Computer Science. I see the whole field more and more poised to take off. It was this particular fact that motivated me to take up Computer Science as my career. Right from my childhood I had a strong inclination to be a Compute Science Engineer. My interest in the subject has grown with each passing year and it has reached where even PhD will not quench my thirst for knowledge. I have come to terms with the fact that there is an enormous proportion of subject to be assimilated. I want to take up a research oriented course for my…show more content…
Your University provides me a dynamic atmosphere, which will shape me to be a thinker and a learner. The flexibility of the curriculum will give me the broad-based education I need to widen the scope of my knowledge and skills. The diversity of the student’s body will open my mind to new influences, new ideas and new ways of doing things. The world is literally becoming a global village where opportunities for work are transcending physical space. With the Cyberspace connections, Indian knowledge workers are increasingly contributing to the global work force. The international education will give me the training and the caliber to meet the global clients. I look forward to being an active contributing member of the student community at your

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