Future Career In Computer Science

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For the past thirteen years, I have always been expressive and explorative of feats in life. My entire school career has called for advanced level courses since elementary school. I was enrolled in the gifted program starting in first grade and by the time I was in fourth grade, I was building robots made of coffee cans and wiring them up so that they could light up on command. All while being a Boy Scout, and an active child in the community. Then, in middle school, I was a part of the the Academic Team, the Heartland Honor Band, and was even on the football team. But now in High School, I have ventured and condensed my passions in life. I joined ROTC my freshman year and became a second lieutenant in the second semester that year, eventually putting myself in the top ten highest commanding officers.…show more content…
So currently, I am taking courses that would benefit my possible future in computer science. Both Honors Robotics and AP Computer Science will help me gain the knowledge I need for college and my career. I pondered how a career in computer science will affect people globally. I thought, how will writing hundreds of lines of code help thousands of people around the

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