Constantine The Great Achievements

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Constantine the great, a lionized saint, first Christian emperor of Rome, equal to the apostles, was one of the strongest emperors in the Byzantine and Roman Empire. Constantine the first, his conversion to Christianity was the first foot step that set this religion to common practice and one would see still present today since the early 300’s AD. Some of his improvements are considered to be promoting the Christian religion after his conversion and the initiation of freedom 313 A.D, outlawing Pagan sacrifice, and founding the great city of Constantinople also the capital of Eastern Romans in 330 A.D. Flavius Valerius Constantinu, son of Constantius and Helena, born in Naissus or modern day Serbia on the twenty seventh of February 272 AD,…show more content…
As mentioned by chronicler’s such as Eusebius of Caesarea and Lactantius, Constantine’s battle with Maxentius also known to be The Milvian Bridge battle was the initiation of his conversion to Christianity. It also marked the era of political division unifying the Roman Empire and eradicating the competition between Augustuses and Caesars. The battle was filled with divine symbolism; an example is the depiction of the battles inscription “by the prompting of the deity” which was believed to differ in meaning among Christians and Pagans. Christians in turn believed the deity to be the Christ, the Son of God, while pagans themselves believed it be the Unconquered Sun. It is crucial to remember the most important fact of the battle, which Lactantius states to be that one day before the battle or the eve of the battle, the great Constantine had a dream which was claimed by him to be a vision that is interpreted as a sign of victory from the God if the Chi-Rho, the two first letters of the Christs name, where printed on the shields and flags of the army lead. Constantine followed this command and painted the sign that denoted the Chirst. It was mentioned by Eusebius in a detailed account that Constantine looked up to the sun during his battle to see a cross of light above it the Greek words "Εν Τούτῳ Νίκα" which translate to “through the sign you shall conquer”. After the battle…show more content…
and is a letter signed by both the Roman emperor in the East and the West, Lecinius and Constantine. The letter was issued shortly after the persecution by the emperor Diocletian was ended, were the two emperors that signed this letter were in Milan celebrating the wedding of Constantine’s sister with Licinius. This edict, gave Christians more rights that the edict of tolerance issued by Galerius in 311 A.D. The Edict of Milan mandated including to tolerance that the worship places and properties confiscated from Christians are to be returned. The church after this was given legal rights and vast financial donations, considering it to be a guardian angel over Constantine’s reign. In 316 A.D, the first political leader to have a say in the religious circle was Constantine. After his conversion, the idea of integrating the Church and state was roaming around, and it grew stronger. It was then when a group of Christians, the Donatists asked from Constantine as an emperor to resolve a religious conflict between two

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