Care Worker Role

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For the purpose of this essay I will be discussing my understanding of the role of a social care worker. My chosen area of discussion is the role of a social care worker working with children in care. As part of my research on this topic I have interviewed a third year student who has completed a placement in this area. To fully understand the role of a social care worker in this area I think it is necessary to understand the background on what is social care work, a social care worker a brief description of the history of social care in Ireland and a description of what children in care entails. What is Social Care work? Social Care workers plan give efficient care to those who suffer from and have gone through social exclusion, disadvantages,…show more content…
These groups include children and adults in residential care, homeless people, people suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction, domestic abuse victims, the elderly, those with physical and intellectual disabilities, youths in detention schools. (, 2016) In Ireland a social care worker can work in many different areas as listed below- • The State Sector- The Departments of Children and Youth Affairs of Education and skills of Justice and Equality. • The non-government sector- charities example- Bernardos, Enable Ireland or Focus Ireland. • Community based organisations example Garda Youth diversion projects. • The private sector- residential care and foster care. Lalor, K. & Share, P. (2013). Understanding Social…show more content…
Although such angry situations cannot be avoided they must never be accepted. It is part of the social care worker’s role to help teach the client a coping mechanism to release their frustrations in a healthy way. This helps the client grow as a person. McHugh, J and Meenan, D.(2013).Applied Social Care: An Introduction for Students in Ireland. When a child is placed into care, a written care plan is devised. A care plan as stated by,(2016) ‘establishes short, medium and long term goals for the child and identifies the services required to attain these goals’. It is part of the role of a social care worker to use their skills and work with the client to chive these goals. Building relationships is also key to providing efficient social care. In residential care the relationships can be complicated. Due to the past struggles of the child/young person they may never feel contented to open up to a worker- no matter how strong the relationship. Three requirements a social worker needs for a successful relationship are Empathy- being able to put oneself in another’s

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