Child And Youth Care Ethics Case Study

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Child and Youth practitioners “advocate for and guide children and youths through their daily lives, teach social and life skills, support efforts to manage behaviours, and engage in counselling to facilitate better understanding and change” (Snow 2000 p. 4). The Child and Youth Care field is a fairly young one in comparison to other helping professions. According to Pence et al. (2011) “the field of child and youth care has been seeking acknowledgment and understanding of its “unique” skills and knowledge for at least forty years.” In order for Child and Youth Care Practitioner to be seen as equal and the work they do has important within societies there is the need to be recognized as a legitimate profession. If Child and Youth Care Professionals…show more content…
The purpose of professional ethics is largely to make explicit the substance of our values. ( Anglin et. Al 1990 p.221). Child and Youth Care practitioners are subjected to a code of ethics Ricks (1997)”notes our professional codes of ethics were not helpful when we were confronted with an ethical dilemma in our practice” (p. 187) Even though this is the case “survey of post-secondary child and youth care education programs in Canada revealed that only 8 (17% of the 46 responding institutions) had developed and delivered curriculum on ethics in human services; 5 (11%) required an ethics course for degree completion” ( Ricks, 1997 p.187). As a Child and Youth Care practitioner it is vital we work with a code of ethics because it helps to great the boundaries needed into into to maintain the professional boundaries in the interaction with the youths we come into contact with. Rick et. al. (1998) states that “In attempt to become professional and to increase child and youth care's professional status, child and youth care associations have engaged in the development of codes of ethics and standards of practice” ( p.…show more content…
Marshall (2009) states that “in the case of the practitioner/client relationship, boundaries provide a limit that allows for a ‘safe connection based on the client’s needs” (p.37 ) While it is important to have boundaries they should not be so rigid where the relationship you form with the youths you work with become a barrier to making a positive connection. Building relationships are vital in the helping profession, connecting with the youth you are working with. Once the relationship is formed the youth feels more open to accepting support. They become more trusting know that there is someone who they can relate to and because of this sometimes a Child and Youth Care practitioner is the one caring adult in a life a youth. School base Child and Youth Care practitioner work with both Elementary and Secondary children and youths regardless of the age they struggle with boundaries. While are maintain our own boundaries it is important that we teach them healthy

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