Healthy People 2020 Essay

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Healthy People 2020 is an research based program that primary focuses on improving overall physical and mental health of all American citizens (book). The programs aims to accomplish these goals by providing measurable health goals, identify national priorities and helping to increase public awareness through education and other interactive events (Citation). The Healthy People 2020 program was started based on the activities of four previous health programs, to include Healthy People 1990, 2000 and 2010 (book). Overall, there more than 1,200 objectives; I feel that Healthy People 2020 objective IID-12.13 relating to increasing the percentage of health care personal who receive on an annual basis the influenza vaccine is applicable to my community (Citation). While this is objective was adapted from Healthy People 2010, it still plays a vital role in improving personal and community health. Health care worker treat members of a community on a daily basis. The base line for health workers vaccinated is…show more content…
Health care workers in several settings treat or work with one of these types of people. Helping to prevent the spread of an illness to a patient is the responsibility of everyone in the medical field (Citation). While there are several interventions related to influenza, in my opinion education, adjunctive alternatives and transmission prevention are among the highest. Educating health care workers on reason for receiving the flu shot could be accomplish by meetings, emails, and pamphlets. While some employees may refuse it is important that health care companies remember that a health care employee has the same rights as a patient and must offer some sort of adjunctive option, such as wearing a mask at predesignated time. Finally, transmission prevention can be accomplished by good hand hygiene and receiving the flu

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