Canadian Women In Canada Research Paper

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Canada has gone through many changes that have changed the way Canadians live today. All throughout Canada in the 20th Century there have been numerous events, actions and decisions that we call defining moments. Canadian women made important contributions on the homefront during the war years. They made a commitment that they would work towards helping the men in the war times to develop Canada as a nation. They had the skills and the ability to work and compromise which helped them. Canadian women on the homefront helped and supported Canada’s war efforts not only in traditional roles, but also in unprecedented new ways by working in munition factories, taking care of farms and home and helping overseas and the wounded men. One of the ways…show more content…
Many women were already working but their role were restricted to domestic labour, nursing, teaching, agricultural work on the family farms, and a few other jobs considered suitable for women.6 Jobs were divided for different classes. Women who took in washing, did child-minding for neighbours, worked for few hours in the corner shop, or took in lodgers were lower classes. 7 They helped each other families to be more responsible for themselves. Besides joining the workforce, women were also active in public life, especially in movements to improve social conditions.8 They used their wages to buy candy, soap, writing paper and other materials needed for their home. Women worked in farms to raise their children husband and help the family sustain. Many farm women were faced with the reality that they had to maintain the family farm themselves while the husbands, sons, and hired labourers were off at war.9 Due to this, Mothers and children worked side-by-side. In addition in working in munition factories and taking care of farms and home, Canadian women also helped overseas and wounded…show more content…
Women were mostly nurses during World War1, helping in the hospitals. Due to war, lots of men were wounded and were in hospital. “[The rain was] cold and continuous, the mud like glue… Our destination was Evacuation Hospital II, where hundreds of seriously wounded men lay on the wet ground, waiting their turn for attention…” – Nurse Elizabeth Campbell Bickford, September 1918, France.10 Canadian women also served overseas as nurses and ambulance drivers.11 The members of Red Cross volunteered to knit socks, roll badges and wrap food parcels for the troops. Women were afraid about their babies. Once Lathrop argued, “Saving babies is a vital part of fighting war”. 12 When influenza spread throughout the United States in August 1918, medical professionals became desperate, and some black nurses were sent to west Virginia.13 In addition to the doctors and nurses who tended to the soldiers health, other volunteers were needed to ensure that servicemen remained mentally and emotionally fit. Women cared about their husbands. In the home, the war made it hard to obtain sugar, butter, eggs and other scarce food items that were needed to help the men fighting overseas.14 They worked day and night to serve their

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