The Lottery Argumentative Essay

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Effective Arguments in Documentaries All parents want the best education for their children. From charter school, private schools, and public schools, parents have choices on what kind of education they want their child to receive. Public and charter schools for example, are both free, but the style in which they are run, are completely different. In the documentary, “The Lottery,” four families from Harlem and the Bronx are followed about the heated disputes between charter schools and public schools. “The Lottery,” sheds a light on a successful charter school known as Harlem Success Academy in order to show the advantages of charter schools and how a pull of a draw is used to determine the education of a child to support the movement of…show more content…
“The Lottery,” did a fine job with providing a sufficient amount of emotional appeal to its claim. Since charter schools are succeeding in Harlem and the Bronx , parents want their children to go their, over the underachieving private schools in New York City. The claim gets emotionally appealing when many moving interviews from teachers and parents are filmed. Teachers and low income parents praise Harlem Success Academy and talk about how it has or will make a difference in a child’s life. Parents talk about how they want a better life for their children and how it would start with Harlem Success Academy because public schools don't provide the same kind of loving education. At the end of “The Lottery,” the audience feels a sorrow when the names of three students were not called to be the attendees of Harlem Success Academy the following fall. Despair could be seen through the eyes of many parents on the day of the lottery. Statistics about tenured teachers were also used to not only to show the disadvantages public schools have to charter schools, but to shock the audience. Emotional appeal is extremely important in order to catch the heart of the

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