Child Poverty In Canada

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In as much as the perception varies, everyone has an idea of what it means to be poor. It refers to a situation where individuals find it hard to meet the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. The objective of the research paper will be to compare the rate of child poverty in Canada to India. The research paper seeks to explore the main causes of child poverty in Canada and in India along with the effects of poverty on children. Additionally, the paper seeks to assess some of the approaches that should be adopted in trying to resolve the issue of child poverty in Canada. It is believed that millions of children around the world miss childhood because of poverty. Poverty deprives them of the capability needed to thrive and at the same…show more content…
Poverty is one of the major problem faced in India. With the large population growth rate of 4.5 annually, there is an increase in the number of children being born. This is because of the poor measures put in place to control the enormous growth rate by the government. With a large gap left behind between the working population and the needy – mostly children and the elderly poverty tends to cripple in since the working population cannot meet the fully needs of the needy leading to inadequate. Hence the growing population is a great contributor to poverty. Having a large number of mouths to feed with little or no income, families are forced to live on the age of life by either letting some of their older children work or others opt to leave home for the streets leading to an increase in the number of street children. This in return causes children to lack almost one or all the basic…show more content…
The growing population maximizes the problem of poor technique used in agriculture, as there is unequal distribution of wealth in the country. This makes the poor people vulnerable to exploitation by the wealthy. One of the major causes of child poverty is abuse, either physical or sexual. Most of the children in India have suffered either abuse. They resort to run away from home and become street urchins so to avoid further abuse. Running away from their homes robs the children of material security and leaves them with emotional scars. The emotional scars traumatize the children and most of them blame themselves for the abuse and

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