Pros And Cons Of Genetic Fingerprinting

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Our DNA contains information about our heritage, and can reveal whether you may be at risk from certain diseases. DNA tests or also known as genetic tests are utilized for various reasons such as genetic disorder testing, paternity testing and for crime scene investigating. For the genetic disorder testing, scientists search for a mutation in a specific gene in order to try to identify whether any family members may be at risk of developing a genetic disorder. Paternity testing is used to determine whether a particular man is the biological father of a child. Crime scene investigating includes a forensic investigating team to use distinct tests in order to increase the amount of DNA that is available for the inspection. The DNA that may be…show more content…
However, even the slightest evidence from a human body in a crime scene contains genetic information necessary to convict a criminal. The process of being able to reveal different variations of genetic code and establishing an individuals’ unique DNA profile is known as DNA profiling or as genetic fingerprinting. There is a diverse amount of sources that could be used as DNA evidence for instance blood and bodily fluids. Additionally it is supposedly possible to obtain DNA from evidence such as urine, feces and dead skin cells; however, this is frequently classified as an insignificant source due to its shortage of intact cells and high amount of contaminants that prevent forensic investigators from acquiring an effective examination. (DNA Profiling Biotech Learning Hub. 2005) (How DNA Profiling Works, 2011) (Rankin, S.…show more content…
The loop pattern has a ridge that starts on one side and loops around and passes through a line from the delta to the center and exits the pattern on the same side from which it had entered. The loop pattern occurs in around 60-70% of fingerprint patterns. The whorl pattern consists of circles and has two deltas that are found on the opposite sides of the entire whorl. Whorls are seen in around 25-35% of fingerprint patterns. In arch patterns, the ridges flow in one side and come out on the opposite side, there are no deltas found in the arch patterns. The arch patterns are found in 5% of fingerprint patterns. The delta is located as a triangular area where the ridges turn outward in three directions. It is known as the delta as it resembles the letter “delta” from the Greek alphabet. (Fingerprint Samples & How to Classify Them, 2015) (Fingerprint Patterns, 2015) (Fingerprints,

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